3 Financially Fatal Mistakes To Avoid When Planning Credit Card Debt Consolidation

Released on = October 18, 2006, 10:28 am

Press Release Author = Out Of Debt 4 Good

Industry = Financial

Press Release Summary = A successful credit card debt consolidation plan should
leave you with fewer monthly payments and less debt. But the harsh reality is, most
people end up owing even more debt than they started with because they chose the
wrong debt consolidation program.

Press Release Body = There is a multitude of different ways to handle credit card
debt consolidation; there are debt consolidation loans, services, programs,
organizations and counselors available everywhere. Unfortunately, consumers who need
credit card debt consolidation the most often turn the first option they are
familiar with. This is a fatal financial mistake.

Millions turn to a Debt Consolidation Service to consolidate debt. This is most
likely because consumers are inundated with quick and easy credit card debt
consolidation promises from these companies through the mail, on TV, on the radio
and even via email.

Using a debt consolidation company may be a quick way to get out from under huge
monthly payments, but it is not a cost effective decision if you ever want to get
out of debt. Consolidation companies will reduce your monthly payments, but they
extend the amount of time it takes you to pay off your debts.

Credit card debt consolidation companies will decrease the amount you have to pay
each month, but will charge you 10 bucks for every hundred you owe to provide their
services. Stacking fees on top of what you already owe is not a smart way to
consolidate credit card debt, increasing your debt by hundreds if not thousands of
dollars is not the answer.

Another very expensive credit card debt consolidation mistake is taking out a credit
card debt consolidation loan. Taking out a personal loan to consolidate debt can be
a very costly mistake, especially if you already owe a large amount of unsecured
debt. The more debt you have the higher the risk you are to the lender. And if you
are a high risk, they are going to charge you a very high interest rate to cover
there assets. Its not unusual to see rates as high as 20 to 23% being charged to
consumers seeking credit card debt consolidation loans.

Speaking of astronomical interest rates, how high to you think the APR will go on
those 0% balance transfer credit card offers after the introductory rate expires?
You got it! 22% or higher in most cases. You better read the fine print before you
sign on the dotted line and count on these low rates for long term credit card debt

Most people considering credit card debt consolidation probably don't even know they
have at least 6 or 7 different debt consolidation options available to them, many of
these options will save thousands of dollars in interest and fees and other
alternatives will cost thousands.

Learn the secrets behind Bad Credit Debt Consolidation and discover more Credit Card
Debt Consolidation tactics and at www.OutofDebt4Good.com, where I\'ll show you how to
Eliminate Credit Card Debt for good.

Web Site = http://outofdebt4good.com/credit-card-debt-consolidation.htm

Contact Details = Jennifer L. Wilson
174 Jeepers Drive
Naples , 34112


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